Guestrooms to Relax and Refresh
The view from each guestroom at The View Hotel is unlike anywhere else in the world and is worth a journey from across the U.S. or from the other side of the world. Most guestrooms have a private balcony and patio furniture to relax gazing at the iconic formation of Monument Valley. The guestrooms on the top floor of the The View Hotel have been designated StarView Rooms. All StarView Rooms are on the third floor and provide fabulous views of the Mittens as well as the best stargazing imaginable.
Guestroom Amenities:
- Flat Screen TV
- Refrigerator
- Coffee/Tea Maker
- Air Conditioning/Heat
- Microwave
- Non Smoking Rooms
- Balcony
- Cable TV
- The VIEW is a non-smoking hotel. Smoking allowed in designated areas. Please be respectful of non-smoking neighbors.
- No pets allowed
- Ice Machine located on each floor.
- Elevator located near lobby.
- Washers and dryers are available at nearby laundromats off the grounds of The View.
- Navajo Tribal Park fees are $20/vehicle for 4 people + $8 additional people upon entrance for all guests to the Park and Hotel. The Tribal Park and the hotel are separate entities. Your entrance to the park is not included in your reservation fee.

Additional Notes:
The View Hotel does not offer a swimming pool out of respect for the residents on the Valley floor that do not have running water and must haul it daily to meet their families basic needs. Water in the desert is valuable and although we want to provide our guests the best experience possible, we want to provide an experience that is in harmony with the traditional way of life and respects the land.